Some Gym Tips for beginners

Some Gym Tips for beginners

Blog Article

Everyone has different reasons for joining a gym. For those who have never exercised in the gym before, maybe a sense of worry arises when going to use existing equipment. This is natural, but should not discourage you to exercise discipline, yes.

If you are still a beginner, try to focus on technique but don't rush. Rest for 60-90 seconds between each set, but keep doing light movements like a leisurely walk to keep muscles warm and heart rate elevated. Ideally, perform the exercises in the order listed.

There are many ways of training and all of them can be beneficial depending on your goals. How do you choose to train, there are some gym tips for beginners that can be done to help get the most out of training, namely:

1. Set goals clearly

The first step that needs to be done as gym tips for beginners is to take the time to set goals clearly. Why do you want to go to the gym?

How are you going to incorporate exercise in the gym into your lifestyle? After finding out the answer, just do everything that can be done.

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2. Try starting with 30 minutes 3 times a week

If you're just starting out in the gym, don't push yourself too hard. Try starting with three days a week, for 30 minutes only. Make sure you train safely and effectively. Then, after the fourth week, try adding another 30 minutes each week.

3. Watch What You Eat

Especially if your goal is to lose weight, remember the basic principle is that more calories are used than come in. If you are training to gain muscle, the type of food you eat is also very important. Add foods high in protein, and reduce foods high in fat.

4. Warm up properly

When it comes to warming up at the beginning of a workout, movement-based stretching (also known as dynamic) is best. That is, everything that involves not standing still or lowering the heart rate, for example, lunges, walk outs, simple yoga movements or cardiovascular work such as walking, cross trainer or stair master.

5. Do not forget to cool down

Cooling down after an exercise session is just as important as warming up. Don't miss it, yeah. This is a great opportunity to try and unwind and relax some of the stiff areas you've just struggled to loosen up.

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6. Do not compare yourself with others

Be willing to look silly and make mistakes without judging yourself. Keep trying, and with each practice you will get better and better. Remember, the goal is progress, not perfection.

So, don't compare yourself to others who are in the gym. Others may move smoothly and appear to have “superhuman”strength.

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