the correct sequence of fitness

the correct sequence of fitness

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For a beginner who wants to fitness usually confused with the correct sequence of fitness.

Fitness has many benefits for the body, such as muscle training, increase firmness, relaxation, weight control, to help minimize the occurrence of diseases in the organs.

But all this goodness you can only receive if you carry out the correct procedure and sequence of fitness.

Therefore you should not underestimate the correct sequence and movement in this exercise, in order to take maximum benefit.

Here is an explanation of the correct sequence of fitness.

Warming up/warming up
Why should you warm up? First, to stimulate the muscle, preparing it to perform activities of higher intensity.

Second, prepare the flexibility of the body, in order to move well and not stiff.

Third, minimize the occurrence of accidents during exercise caused by the body that has not adapted properly.

Do a warm-up with a relaxed and thorough, starting from the head to the feet. The goal is that the readiness of the body occurs evenly, so that the effect of the fitness received is balanced.

Warm-up movements can be done by jogging, lifting weights, and stretching.
Also read: This is the purpose of warming up before exercise

Performing exercises with light weights
After warming up, the next correct sequence of fitness is movements that are supplemented with light weights.

You can use such a simple tool as a barbell for fitness at home. However, you can also use special tools in the gym, with the lowest load ratio.

Generally, fitness exercises in the early stages use short reps, for example, only 2 to 4 Reps.

The goal is to get the muscles used to it first. The intensity of the reps will be increased along with the body's ability to accept the exercise.

For beginners, follow the order of the gym for beginners, and it is advisable not to force the quantity of load or repetition of movements. Do fitness slowly and relaxed.

Because this kind of mentality is better able to make you feel at home exercising, compared to doing fitness in a hurry.

Using a heart rate monitor
The next stage of the correct fitness sequence is to use the assistance of a heart rate monitor.

This tool will help inform the body's adaptation to the exercise movement you are doing, with heart rate recording.

Heart rate monitor is a device that you wear while exercising. On the screen will be listed counting heart rate for each minute.

Monitoring the condition of the heart has several purposes. First, adjust your exercise heart rate to a reasonable limit.

So that you know whether the intensity of your exercise is right or it turns out to be excessive.

Second, it helps maintain the standard of exercise you do. For example, today's heart rate decreased compared to the average count, then you should start increasing the intensity of exercise.

Heart rate monitor is good for maintaining the stability of your body condition and the quality of your exercise.

The correct sequence of fitness: breathing exercises
Breathing is closely related to the effectiveness of exercise. When the body exercises, it needs higher oxygen levels.

This can be seen from the rhythm of breathing that changes when you exercise, such as feeling gasping. This is the body's attempt to get more oxygen.

Muscles that are exercising require oxygen intake to function properly.

That's why you also need to learn the correct breathing technique before starting the correct fitness sequence.

The goal is not to be overwhelmed and out of breath during the exercise process.

With more precise breathing settings, it can improve the comfort of exercise, body health, and the benefits felt by the muscles after doing high activity.

The right fitness sequence: understanding fitness tools
Actually, fitness aims to fitness the body as a whole. To achieve this, you can use sports equipment that has a variety of functions for each of them.

For the arms, you can use a barbell, dumbbells, and a curl bar. For the chest and shoulders you can try the bench press, peck deck fly, and abdominal bench.
Also check: Gymfitnessindo Barbells catalog

For the legs, you can try leg press, leg extension, treadmill, and stationary bike. Before starting fitness, you must first understand how each tool works and functions.

The goal is that you are able to choose which tool best suits your needs. Knowing how each Tool Works also helps you to avoid injuries during training.
Dumbbell Bicep Curls Exercises
Training the upper body muscles
The next correct sequence of fitness is to work out the muscles of the upper body.

The goal is to start the movement regularly, so that it is well received for each part of the body.

There are several muscles included in this list, ranging from the shoulders, arms, chest, and back. These muscles are closely related to healthy posture.

There are several exercise movements that you can try to train all the upper muscles at once.

For example, such as pull Ups, push ups, plank, and side plank. This type of exercise can stimulate the muscles of the chest, back, shoulders, and arms at the same time.

Training the muscles in the abdomen
After training the upper muscles of the body, the next stage is a movement that stimulates the muscles in the abdomen.

Usually this muscle is related to body balance, ideal posture and body shape, and organ health.

Fat burning activities are also often focused on this part, especially for those who have problems with the appearance of a distended stomach.

Abdominal muscle exercises can be done using several methods, ranging from sit ups, abdominal crunches, or leg raises.

This whole type of exercise aims to put pressure on the abdomen, thus being able to burn calories and improve muscle work.

In the correct sequence of fitness, the movement of training the abdominal muscles should not be missed. Because a bad stomach condition will burden the back when you have to support the body.

Training the lower body muscles
The next stage of fitness is to train the muscles of the body at the bottom, namely the thighs, calves, and soles of the feet.

These three muscles play an important role in the balance of your activity. If not trained properly, you will experience aches, cramps and tingling, until the body feels stiff.

There are various exercises that you can try to train this part of the muscle. Like the use of static bicycles, treadmills, jumping jacks, skipping, jogging, sprints, leg press, and leg extensions.


All of these movements you can do in the fitness center or at home.

Training the muscles of the legs is also able to beautify their shape. For example, so it looks firmer, denser and not wavy, also looks more level.

Correct fitness sequence: training muscle strength
This stage is an advanced process in the correct sequence of fitness. Its main objective is to stimulate muscle performance, so as to be able to have better strength.

Beginners and professionals can do this exercise, but with reps and load levels adjusted.

Some types of exercise that can be tried to train muscle strength are shoulder press, leg press, leg extension, crunch, and back rows.

You can also do muscle movements without tools, such as wall sit, step up, squat, high knees, and lunge.
Dumbbell Lunge
Cooling down/cooling
The final stage of the correct fitness sequence is cooling down or cooling down.

In this section, you try to relax the already hard-working muscles again.

The goal is that each part becomes more relaxed and ready for activity. Cooling also includes stabilizing body temperature and regulating breathing to return to normal.

For additional information, never skip the cooling stage, because it will be risky to health. For example, such as the onset of cramps, pain, until the formation of varicose veins.

That's it the correct execution of the fitness sequence. Always adapt the stage of training to the needs of the body. Stick to the continuity and quality of the sport, not just the quantity.

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